Why There is Sodium in Nutrimeals

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Although too much sodium can be of concern, please note that sodium is an essential mineral and electrolyte. The recommended sodium intake for healthy adults generally sits near 2,400 mg per day, and even doctor-prescribed low sodium diets rarely get below 1,000 mg. Intakes below 500 mg per day can result in serious health conditions, including death. Because the Nutrimeals are classified as meal replacements, adequate sodium is absolutely necessary to prevent serious health consequences. This is especially true during hot summer months, during times of exercise, or in circumstances where individuals choose to use the products nearly exclusively for days at a time.

In modern times, many individuals have begun to take sodium for granted since it can be easily consumed in excessive amounts. However, this does not mean that sodium is inherently "bad." We have included a level in the Nutrimeals that is the lowest we would consider safe for adults subsisting entirely on our products for any period of time.

Many products claiming to be "meal replacements" run the risk of being much too low in sodium. In our opinion, the unscrupulous manufacturers of such products risk the health of a certain percentage of people in an attempt to "look good" on a label.

If someone has additional concerns about the sodium content of a USANA Foods product, we recommending consulting a physician. He/she will be best able to know whether or not the amount of sodium in a given product is too much for an individual's current requirements.


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